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A Stone’s Throw

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Amine, a Palestinian elder, is exiled twice from both land and labor, from Haifa to Beirut to a Gulf offshore oil platform. A Stone’s Throw rehearses a history of the Palestinian resistance when in 1936 the oil laborers of Haifa blew up a BP pipeline.

Directors Spotlight

A black-and-white picture of a genderqueer person with curly hair named Razan AlSalah. They are looking down towards the camera with blank expressions, several strands of hair covering one of their eyes. Atop their head draped is a patterned scarf called a keffiyeh, with branches and a blank sky peeking out from the background.

Razan AlSalah


Razan is a Palestinian artist and teacher based in Tiotiake/Montreal. Her films work with the material aesthetics of appearance and disappearance of indigenous bodies, narratives and histories in colonial image worlds. She often works with sound-images to infiltrate borders that have severed us from the land. Her films are both ghostly trespasses, and seeping ruptures, of the colonial image, that functions as a border, as a wall. She thinks of her creative process as a circle of relations with artists, friends, family, technology, images, plants, objects and sounds…These relations become different points of entry and exit into elsewheres here, where colonialism no longer makes sense.

  • Runtime 40 minutes
  • Country Palestine, Lebanon, Canada
  • Language Arabic, English
  • Director Razan AlSalah
  • Premiere Philadelphia

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